I love this Adventure shirt design . It was so true for these 4 lovely people visiting from the USA. They were here for adventure, and adventure is what they found. Doing it
Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul. Be an adventurous, not a mere...
Do you gently rebuke the devil? Do you plead with him, “Please leave me alone”? Do you say, “you can’t do that, it’s not fair”? Get Two things women can’t resist shirt
Realise that the devil does not play fair. You cannot ask him nicely or gently to leave you alone....
I need this I can’t my kid has practice shirt! When ppl ask me to hang out I be like “let me check my son’s schedule first”. I just said that same thing…lmao I need a non-Mom life…just for a few hrs…lol. I just love that you let the baby get...
Everyone knows I am a huge fan of shameless. I just bought myself a shirt that says: shameless Carl shirt. So thankful for Amazon, yay for retail therapy. LOL. Retail therapy is both a good and dangerous thing. I have so many tabs open for different sites, plus...
Took a little trip out to West...
‘Star Wars’ Fans Finally Found a Competent Stormtrooper. Notoriously poor marksmanship is a hallmark of Imperial Star wars stormtrooper shirt. Despite Obi-Wan saying that these folks are “precise,” almost everything we’ve seen on screen suggests the opposite.
In most...
Anyone who has an autistic child has been blessed by God to share their love with their special children and to be loved back….priceless. I love my grandson Zach who is 11 and has Aspergers.
My great grandson has been diagnosed with autism. He is 5 now. He is...
Demonic is my word and I even tried to spell it wrong as I wrote this. I say it demonic. That is not a thing. No one should be scared of a demonic Majestically awkward shirt. The doll is not possessed by a demon. *facepalm* I can say aluminum because I adopted the British...
Well…just waiting for baby girl to arrive and all I want is chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, cinnamon rolls, Tacos sweatshirt, Lays potato chips, and a bag of Sonic ice. Sounds perfect!
Tacos sweatshirt
Trust us, chocolate-dipped waffle bowls are the new...
We welcome debate, welcome alternate points of view. And the student was clearly in the wrong inviting the perp here to kill himself. Not helpful, not acceptable either.
I love Trump shirt
I stand by the students and the I love Trump shirt and intolerant...
If I think your Sorry I’m late I didn’t want to come shirt is ugly I could give my opinion, or I could value my power of kindness over my power of self-expression. Not every thought or opinion that enters one’s head needs to come out....
For my book loving readers out there, Bookmarks Are For Quitters (you know who you are, I know a few people who need this shirt! Share with your friends! These also make great teacher or librarian gifts. That moment when a fellow nerd says he loves...
Do you have kids? Yes, two beautiful girls. Things I hate: Spelling errors, poor grammar, bad punctuation. The folks at Laguna Cliffs Marriott love my Punctuation saves lives shirt.“Let’s eat kids. punctuation saves lives shirt” v...
“You were also wearing yoga pants with flip flops and a messy bun.” Read this mom’s hilarious message to another fellow mom at Target. This is how Some are just moms hiding from their children shirt and I met and became, as Anne would say,...
We are not our grandma’s grandma. Show the world you are one hip,rockin‘ nana! Rockin the NANA life shirt for Grandmother’s day coming up. Seamas “rocking” his Tommy Hilfiger shirt and shorts. Perfectly “coiffed.” I received...
When you walk into the gym and the owner/previous personal trainer years ago is looking for you and says…I’m gonna work with you today on your lower body. You know what’s coming. I mean I didn’t get an 18.3% body fat years ago for nothing. Well, sweat...
Omg!!!! last night Belle said mom you’re my best friend. were the same I’m every way and she’s right! but ohhhh Pre teen hormones help me. I just bought her 4pairs of Dillard’s experience jeans. 8 pairs of leggings. She doesn’t like I’m spoiled because...
Fuck Trump! There are times when I felt down and wondered if I’m making a difference by posting against Trump. But lately, my Hate Trump shirt has been inundated by Trump supporter’s personal attacking me. Calling me the worst things you can call another human being....
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Hey, I hate trump don’t get me wrong but Hillary Clinton is worse then satin. She is the devil in disguise and I loathe her to death. Point blank her running for president when there are billions of better people then her...
Not today Satan. Not ever. We are going to put on a suit, not because we are perfect but because it is too hot to care and we are going to get in the pool and play without Not today Satan sweatshirt and live the hell out of summer. So wear your suit and enjoy your...
Never been shy about giving my opinion..ever. if you don’t want people’s opinions after you expose yourself on a social network platform about your “Not today Satan shirt womens” than you shouldn’t have posted it.
Something in my house STINKS! It smells DEAD! I cannot...