Making a celebrity is not easy, but remember the saying on Stop Making Stupid People Famous shirt. The genius scientist Albert Einstein once said: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; And I’m not sure about the universe. ” Is human stupidity really limitless, as Einstein said? And how can we assess the “foolishness”? The latest scientific studies show that people value an action as stupid or not based on three criteria: the level of risk and risk, the level of “insanity” – the lack of reality, and the impulsive level of action. stupid people never feel stupid; They always think that they are wise. This is the definition of a fool: He always thinks he is wise.
Stop Making Stupid People Famous shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top


Ladies tee

Tank top


Guys tee
Official Stop Making Stupid People Famous shirt
Make a Stop Making Stupid People Famous shirt collection in your closet. An action that is considered stupid or not comes from the chain effect. In controversy, in life, we always see the present man denies the other is ignorant. Even though such ignorance speaks of it, it exists in every human being, but often when it comes to work, people forget about it. To identify some ignorance I listed below a few sentences of different people, hoping that through it, when talking about the ignorance of others, we would be more tolerant, more accurate and more receptive. collect more. A wise man is one who understands that everything is stupid.
The post Stop Making Stupid People Famous shirt appeared first on Picturestees - Cool T Shirt Website.
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