First, take the injured mother to the vet to have her treated then maybe she will be able to take “enough” care of her kittens. If this is not your cat then call a rescue or the ASPCA so she can get the care she needs. You give very little information to base any type of answer that might actually be helpful for you. How old are the kittens?...
Let me help you out here & allow you to look into the future?
Let me help you out here & allow you to look into the future? Here's the (possible) bad habit you are creating?(unknowingly). When as a dog owner anything that has to do with the front door(main door of coming or going) You need to create a calmness or relaxed state. There is nothing wrong with talking to your dog when guests arrive. There...
It really depends on the cat.
It really depends on the cat. If your cat was raised with other cats or lived with other cats prior to living with you, he may appreciate the companionship of another cat, especially if he is frequently left alone in your home for more than a few hours. In all likelihood, however, he is probably perfectly content to be the only cat. Take this as a...
How long have humans been doing this?
How long have humans been doing this? Well… Probably since “humans.” And before cats, before horses, before any other domesticated companion, dogs were there. Dogs are known as man’s best friend because they have done so much for mankind throughout history by keeping humans warm, helping them hunt, protecting them from attack, alerting them to...
This is called chattering or chirping.
The ancestral species of the domestic cat has been the source of much debate among naturalists and cat fanciers. H C Brooke wrote a contribution to Frances Simpson's "The Book of the Cat" (1903, "Some Foreign Cats") mentioning the Egyptian Cat (Felis maniculata) and the European Wild cat (F catus) (the Latin names in use at that time): "It might...
Gift Ideas for Cool & Unique Gifts (2021)
We would have to observe the cats to figure out what is truly happening. Cats may yowl to attract a mate or claim territory, they may make other sounds in the presence of other cats, but meowing carries no common meaning among cats. So they can’t use it to communicate with each other. Queens will meow at their kittens to let them know where she...
Best Cat T-shirt Ideas For Gifts (2021)
I need more info here! I’ll do my best with what I have. First of all, rehoming a cat is never a great idea. There are situations where it has had to happen but it should be avoided if at all possible. Cats are living beings with deep emotions. They form bonds to their humans and consider them to be part of their family. When a cat is rehomed,...
Best Gifts For American Independence Day (2021)
My first thought is she needs you and you feel stuck/tied down. Second you may be unintentionally closed off emotionally which for me is a protective measure. It’s great that you caught it, and are asking about it! When this happens my life experience is from abandonment, when someone gets too close, I start depending on them, or love deeply....