I defragged my zebra

All love has to pass through hell, only true love will pass it. Since I met you, no one is worth thinking about. Choose someone who is not only proud of having you, but also accepts all the dangers of being with you. I love our story. Sure it's messy but it's the story that got us here .. I don't need perfect love, I just need someone who never gives up on me. If you're lucky enough to find an eccentric person, never let go of their hand. One day we will never have to say goodbye, just say good night .. Thank you for reiterating what thrills are .. Love is always stronger in the beginning. You two are best friends and then a couple .. A great love always has two things, first finding similarities, then respecting the differences.
 An enduring love begins when two people are willing to sacrifice anything for each other.
 A enduring love requires a choice to fall in love even in moments when you try to like each other.

  1. https://canhoehomes.com.vn/2021/03/23/iteeres-in-a-world-where-you-can-be-anything-be-kind-down-syndrome-awareness-shirt/
  2. https://customshirtpro.com/tin/iteeres-im-the-type-of-person-who-goes-to-a-party-and-makes-friends-with-the-dog-shirt/
  3. https://thamtubachtin.net/2021/03/23/iteeres-im-not-just-a-dog-person-im-a-corgi-mommy-shirt/
  4. https://thamtuducdung.com/shirt/iteeres-i-will-crochet-here-or-there-i-will-crochet-everywhere-shirt/
  5. https://nhabmt.com/shirts/iteeres-i-wear-blue-and-yellow-for-my-friend-down-syndrome-awareness-shirt/
  6. https://fujiresidence.org/2021/03/23/iteeres-i-like-tattoos-and-dogs-and-maybe-3-people-shirt/
  7. https://nhltee.com/iteeres-i-have-transitioned-from-mama-to-mommy-to-mom-to-bruh-shirt/
  8. https://dichvuthamtutu.info/shirts/iteeres-i-defragged-my-zebra-t-shirt/
  9. https://soherbs.vn/iteeres-i-defragged-my-zebra-shirt/

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