I had one mouse, Spot, who I raised from a pup.

 Thanks for the A2A. I have had both hamsters and mice. I had one mouse, Spot, who I raised from a pup. He was a beautiful dove gray, and I was particularly fond of him because he stood out. Most of my mice were white, and near impossible to tell alarm. I spent a lot of time taming him. I discovered that he was particularly fond of one part of the food I fed him. I started offering these to him. He quickly learned to accept them from me, and then became more and more tame. Soon, he would climb in my hand. Then he learned to get on top of his little house if he wanted to be picked up. He would climb on top, and look at me expectantly. I would put my hand next to him, and he would hope on, and start “grooming” me. He loved to chatter in my ear. If I was too busy when he wanted me, he would run back and forth and then glare at me. Yes, mice can glare. I put a lot of effort into bonding with him, and was crushed when he died. But, mice can be incredible pets, and loving friends.

I have rescued a number of deer mice whom my cats have brought in. I typically treat them immediately with a homeopathic remedy to help them recover in the event that they sustained an injury, such as a puncture wound that I didn’t see. Most of them recover and I release them. However, there have been some who had injuries that I didn’t see and didn’t treat, and they went to Heaven. 💔It is entirely possible that this little one had an injury, probably a puncture wound, that you didn’t notice. The mouse is in Heaven. (Read Steven Woodward’s books) It would be best both for the mice - and your cat - to keep your cat inside. There are evil people out there who are always looking for cats and dogs to kidnap. You can put up an outdoor enclosure to give your kitty access to the outdoors, yet remain safe. I put cat screen around the bottom 3 feet of my enclosures to keep mice and snakes out. Regarding food, if this happens again, make sure that the food does not contain raisins. Raisins are toxic to mice.

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