Life without cats I don’t think so cats make me happy

Happiness is first of all a feeling, with many different degrees: cheerfulness, excitement, lightheadedness, joy, joy ... There are little happiness like hunger to eat, and happiness. great after so many days of waiting like a baby to be born. From a biological point of view, happiness is the result of four chemicals working together: dopamine is like a shocking arm that we bounce from the lazy chair, endorphins make the painful foot step lighter. , oxytocin helps us get close to our loved ones with a gentle hug, and serotonin is a feeling of happiness when the loved one says how happy this hug makes them. I like to fly up in a moment of happiness. Life's good. The point is, that moment is always passing. Every joy is gradually running out. You can jump for joy when you win an award, meet a friend from a long time ago, enjoy a beautiful sunset ... performance, time the stage will turn off the lights. Growing up, I understand why so many people cannot be happy even when they live a full, carefree life, with all the comforts and needs of love.
The Creator has bestowed upon us humans a strange adaptability. We wish that if there was a big house, there would be nothing to worry about in life. But when we have a really big house, we want the house to be bigger. Aspiration and passion are, in essence, exactly what the Creator wants us to take advantage of, as long as it is not abused so that "aspiration" becomes "ambition" and "passion" turns into "greed". That is why close wins cause the brain to send out a strong "try again" signal instead of the "lose and go" signal. If we are satisfied and happy with what we have, what is the motivation for this species to stand up and continue, discover, build, explore, invent, and continually exceed its own limits? Creation also makes us look to the past and the future with eyes full of prejudice. Happiness in the past and happiness in the future are always more beautiful than happiness in the present. We often remember childhood and adolescence with a sense of how beautiful it was back then. We also often imagine a brighter future with many dreams coming true. That is because the Creator wants us to use the past as proof to go on, not stop at reality. If you doubt the possibility of future happiness, look into the past to see that happier-than-present is a goal within reach.


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